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Lesley Wysong---Art Center Curator

Kokomo Art Center Pic

Looking for something fun to do? Visit the new Little Free Art Library in front of the Kokomo Art Center, 525 West Ricketts Street (Highland Park).

Little Free Art Library guidelines:

- Give a little piece of Art

- Take a little piece of Art

- Leave new or gently used art supplies

- Take only what you need

- Please be kind & respectful

Go create! Come back & visit.


Thanks to Rod Wysong for building the Little Free Art Library. Beautiful work.

Looking for a one-of-a-kind gift? 

Kokomo Art Center volunteers have created some artful and unique small pieces for our newly opened Volunteer Gift Shop!  The shop is located in the art center and you can shop during regular hours - Tuesday through Saturdays 1-4 pm.  


Stop in to shop and visit with one of the artists - Lisa Freeland, Jacob Hernandez, Tammy Roe and

Lesley Wysong.

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Indiana Arts Commission
Arts Midwest
National Endowment for the Arts
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